1989 (Documentary, 2020)
How do we remember? Or more importantly, why is it important to remember? This short documentary deals with these issues that are vital for any society. In 1989, the US invaded Panama by land, sea and air in the so-called “Operation Just Cause” in order to topple Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega. The brutality of the military intervention left visible and invisible scars in the country and its people. Thirty years after this event, Panamanian society still struggles to come to terms with the legacy and end of the dictatorship. Panamanians have kept an uncomfortable silence and have turned their gaze towards the country's economic recovery and growth. Today, this dark part of history is not taught in schools anymore which leads to a big problem: the lack of collective memory. In order to learn from the past, it is imperative to know and understand it. Trauma and resilience: How to reconcile these two very opposite parts of life? It is our goal to open a discussion about remembrance and memory of the Invasion of Panama.